Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Confrontation therapy Within behavioral therapy, confrontation with anxiety-inducing situations has proven to be a successful method for losing the fear of situations or objects. The affected person consciously seeks out the situations (often accompanied by the therapist) that he or she has avoided in the past or only sought out with great fear. The aim … Confrontation therapy | Therapy of agoraphobia

Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Synonyms Pain disorder, psychalgia English term: pain disorder, somatoform pain disorderA persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASD) is a disorder characterized by persistent severe pain without somatic (physical) cause, so that psychological causes are regarded as triggers (emotional conflicts, psychosocial problems). A variety of causes can cause a persistent somatoform pain disorder. Accordingly, it is less … Persistent somatoform pain disorder (ASS)

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: How does PTSD Manifest?

If the symptoms of an acute stress reaction last for months or new symptoms develop up to six months after the triggering event, the condition is called posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD is comparatively rare, which means that most people can survive even a severely stressful event without secondary damage. People who … Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: How does PTSD Manifest?

Therapy of a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Therapy There are various approaches to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. The order of the imagined (presented) events must correspond to the order of the actual events. The events described are told in the “I-form” and in the “present”. In the description of the events, feelings, thoughts and other impressions should also be communicated. Emotions must … Therapy of a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Active ingredient Risperidone is a prescription drug from the group of atypical neuroleptics. In Germany it is marketed under the trade name Risperdal®, among others. It is called atypical because Risperidone is said to have fewer side effects on certain nerve tracts in the spinal cord (extrapyramidal motor system) than other neuroleptics. In addition, memory … Risperidone

Dosage | Risperidone

Dosage The dosage of the drug is determined by the treating physician. Usually the starting dose is 2mg Risperidone per day. This can be increased successively. Most patients are treated with a daily dose of 4-6mg Risperidone. The dose can be divided into one or two times a day. Risperidone only develops its full effect … Dosage | Risperidone

Interactions | Risperidone

Interactions Risperidone may interact with many other drugs. Therefore, special attention should be paid to which drugs can be combined with Risperidone. The combination of risperidone with diuretic drugs is considered particularly risky in elderly patients. In such cases, an increased incidence of strokes and increased mortality has been observed. If antidepressants or beta-blockers (antihypertensive … Interactions | Risperidone