
Introduction Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses electromagnetic and mechanical radiation for scientific purposes or in everyday clinical practice for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Radiology is a rapidly developing and growing field that began with Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895 in Würzburg. Initially, only X-rays were used. In the course of time, other … Radiology

X-ray | Radiology

X-ray X-ray refers to the process of exposing the body to X-rays and recording the rays for conversion into an image. The CT examination also makes use of the mechanism of X-rays. This is why CT is correctly called “X-ray computed tomography”. If you mean the conventional simple X-ray in everyday clinical practice, it is … X-ray | Radiology

CT | Radiology

CT Ultrasound, or “sonography”, is the most commonly performed imaging procedure in everyday clinical practice. It uses sound waves that are reflected from different organ structures to produce images, thus allowing the organs to be distinguished. It works without the harmful X-rays. The ultrasound examination can be performed quickly, very easily and as often as … CT | Radiology

What kind of pain do you have when breast cancer has been operated on? | Pain with breast cancer

What kind of pain do you have when breast cancer has been operated on? Modern methods of surgical removal of breast cancer tumors are relatively gentle and nowadays in most cases it is not necessary to remove the entire breast. The pain after the operation depends on the particular surgical method. In addition to breast-conserving … What kind of pain do you have when breast cancer has been operated on? | Pain with breast cancer

Bleeding Between Periods: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Many women are familiar with intermenstrual bleeding, which occurs independently of menstruation during the female cycle. Zwischenblutungen can be both harmless, as well as an expression of worse diseases. Intermediate bleeding should therefore always be clarified by a doctor. What is intermenstrual bleeding? Intermittent bleeding is additional bleeding that occurs independently of female menstruation during … Bleeding Between Periods: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Age spots on the hand

The term age spots describes a, mostly harmless, dark brown, pigmentation change of the skin. As the term suggests, these changes occur more frequently with age, which is why between 40 and 50 a large part of the population already has age spots. As these changes occur more often in areas exposed to sunlight, age … Age spots on the hand

Breast-conserving therapy (BET)

Introduction In breast conservation therapy, only the tumor (cancer) in the breast is removed while the remaining healthy breast tissue is preserved. Nowadays, BET is a common procedure, which is usually combined with a subsequent irradiation of the breast. Today, breast-conserving therapy is used for about 75% of breast cancers and can, provided certain criteria … Breast-conserving therapy (BET)