Red Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy

Red cabbage, which belongs to the cruciferous family, is related to white cabbage. It is distinguished by its purple color. This is caused by the pigment anthocyanin. The growth is also somewhat smaller and firmer. The red cabbage is also called red or blue cabbage. This is what you should know about red cabbage Red … Red Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy

Savoy Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy

Savoy cabbage is a cultivated variety of head cabbage with deep green, curly cabbage leaves. Similar to red and white cabbage, it is considered an element of home cooking and grows slightly faster than these varieties. This is what you should know about savoy cabbage Savoy cabbage has been known as a cultivated vegetable since … Savoy Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy