Penaten® for an anal fissure | Penaten® Cream

Penaten® for an anal fissure

A painful tear of the skin in the anal canal area is called anal fissure. It can be caused by chronic constipation (with the development of hard stool), inflammation in the area of the anus, hemorrhoids or excessive pressing during bowel movement. Various sexual practices can also cause the skin to crack.

Depending on the degree of severity, different options are available for the treatment of an anal fissure. Initially, conservative therapy is preferred, in which possible triggers are removed and the stool is increasingly regulated. Accompanying treatment with suppositories and ointments with local anesthetics is necessary to relieve the pain. In addition, Penaten® cream can be used to alleviate pain and heal wounds.

Penaten® cream against a sore bottom

Inflammation of the skin in the diaper area can easily manifest itself in babies. This is due to the permanent friction, the high heat and the high moisture content. As a result, the baby increasingly develops a rash.

The skin reddens and begins to itch. A sore in the area of the diaper region is called diaper dermatitis. There is an additional risk of infection of the inflamed skin.

Penaten® Wound Protection Cream has been developed especially for sore baby poses. By the contents materials the wound healing is supported and strengthened at the same time the skin. In addition to the wound protection cream, bath additives are available from Penaten®. In addition, you should change diapers regularly, dab the skin dry thoroughly and carefully after cleansing and take an extensive air bath.

Penaten® cream against scars

The effectiveness of Penaten® cream against scars is controversial. In fresh scars with still inflamed skin, the ingredients contained in Penaten® cream can reduce inflammation with improved wound healing. Thereby a regular application of creams and ointments is necessary.In addition to Penaten® Cream, there are many other special scar creams available, which are specifically aimed at improving the healing of scars. Penaten® Creme can be used specifically for pregnant women to prevent the development of stretch marks. By stimulating the blood circulation and loosening the connective tissue, the appearance of scarred stretch marks can be reduced.