Diarrhea while teething

Introduction Teething causes many different symptoms in children. These may include a change in bowel movements. Typically, the bowel movement becomes more fluid, and from a water content of 75% or more in the bowel movement one can speak of diarrhoea. An increased amount or frequency of bowel movements can also be noticeable. In addition, … Diarrhea while teething

Associated symptoms | Diarrhea while teething

Associated symptoms When teething, the local change in the mouth often makes itself felt in other parts of the body. For example, diarrhea can occur due to increased salivation. Increased body temperature and even a slight fever are not uncommon. In addition, babies may have red cheeks. Teething not only stimulates the production of saliva, … Associated symptoms | Diarrhea while teething

ManufacturerTrade names | Sun hat

ManufacturerTrade names Manufacturers are given as examples and were selected at random. We have no personal connection with any manufacturer! Esberitox® N | N2 50 Tabl. | 6,25 € Esberitox® N | N3 100 Tabl. | 10,80 € Status: January 2004 All articles in this series: Sun hat Medicinally used plant parts Application in homeopathy … ManufacturerTrade names | Sun hat

Sun hat

Synonyms in a broader sense Latin name: Echinacea purpurea, group: Asteraceae = Compositae Folk names: American coneflower, narrow-leaved coneflower. Hedgehog head, cone flower, Rudbeckie Family: composite plants Plant description The plant is anchored vertically in the ground with a tap root. Upright stem, covered with bristle hairs. Leaves with entire margins, lancet-like, solitary. Only one … Sun hat