Chronic inflammation of the throat

Introduction Chronic pharyngitis is a long-lasting or permanent inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. It is only referred to as chronic pharyngitis if it lasts more than 3 months. Chronic pharyngitis is characterized by a fluctuating symptomatology and presents itself quite differently. Forms of chronic pharyngitis Depending on the presentation, three main forms can be distinguished: … Chronic inflammation of the throat

Characteristic symptoms of chronic pharyngitis | Chronic inflammation of the throat

Characteristic symptoms of chronic pharyngitis In general, symptoms of pharyngitis last for more than 3 months or reappear within a short time. Often the general condition is reduced in the case of chronic pharyngitis. There are two main symptoms of chronic pharyngitis Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa often leads to a scratching or burning of … Characteristic symptoms of chronic pharyngitis | Chronic inflammation of the throat

Diagnosis | Chronic inflammation of the throat

Diagnosis In order to identify the cause of the pharyngitis and make a diagnosis, a detailed anamnesis is taken at the beginning. This should include not only the onset, duration and symptoms, but also the question of possible exposure to noxious agents, such as jobs involving chemicals, nicotine or alcohol abuse. Furthermore, the different forms … Diagnosis | Chronic inflammation of the throat

Duration of chronic pharyngitis | Chronic inflammation of the throat

Duration of chronic pharyngitis A chronic pharyngitis can last for months or years until it is even diagnosed. Often there is an improvement or disappearance of symptoms until the inflammation recurs. Therapy is very important for the improvement or relief of the symptoms. In general, regardless of the cause, it is very important to avoid … Duration of chronic pharyngitis | Chronic inflammation of the throat


Ranitidine is an active ingredient which belongs to the class of histamine H2-receptor blockers. Ranitidine is mainly found in drugs prescribed for the treatment of diseases where the amount of stomach acid is the cause of the disease. There are different concentrations of ranitidine in drugs that are believed to inhibit acid production in the … Ranitidine

Food Intolerance

Symptoms After eating the triggering food, digestive disturbances usually develop within hours. These include: Flatulence, bloating Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps Diarrhea Stomach burns Depending on the trigger, pseudoallergic reactions such as a hives, rhinitis and respiratory disorders may also occur. According to the literature, up to 20% of the population is affected. The disorders typically … Food Intolerance


Tracheitis, also known as tracheitis in medical terminology, is a disease of the windpipe (trachea) that can have various causes. Tracheitis is divided into an acute form, called acute tracheitis, and a chronic form. This means that the disease develops slowly and persists for a long period of time, possibly even for a lifetime. Tracheitis … Tracheitis

Symptoms | Tracheitis

Symptoms Tracheitis can cause a number of different symptoms, which can vary from person to person and can also differ in the severity of their occurrence. Symptoms include coughing, hoarseness, a scratchy feeling in the throat or a burning sensation behind the breastbone. There may also be an altered sound of breathing, the so-called inspiratory … Symptoms | Tracheitis

Prognosis | Tracheitis

Prognosis The prognosis for tracheitis is generally good. Healing of viral tracheitis usually occurs independently within one week. If the symptoms persist for longer than a few days to weeks, the risk of an additional bacterial infection (so-called “superinfection“) increases, so that antibiotics should be administered. If the symptoms last for more than 2 weeks, … Prognosis | Tracheitis