Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

In ancient times, for example, back pain was treated by certain massage and grip techniques. The whole thing has described, among others, Hippocrates, who indicated in his writings, how dislocations or slight vertebral displacements would have to be adjusted again. From then on, several “bone setters” were on the road, which only gradually developed into … Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Nervous Restlessness and Sleep Disorders

Advert When nervous restlessness disturbs your night’s rest – what you can do about it Every person has probably felt it at one time or another – the inner restlessness that causes concentration to drop considerably, nervousness to increase significantly and many a night spent sleepless. Also, the affected person could go ballistic at every … Nervous Restlessness and Sleep Disorders

Relaxing Bath: Treatment, Effect & Risks

A relaxing bath is a wellness application using bath water with relaxing substances. Essential oils and nourishing substances are added to the bath water as bath additives, and in addition, other relaxing wellness methods can be used in the relaxation bath. What is a relaxing bath? A relaxing bath is a wellness application using bath … Relaxing Bath: Treatment, Effect & Risks