Hands tremble

Introduction A trembling of the hands occurs in many people in different forms. The trembling of the hands can have many causes. Some causes are harmless, others are based on serious diseases. The fact that our muscles tremble is basically a completely normal process of the body, which among other things ensures that our muscles … Hands tremble

Symptoms | Hands tremble

Symptoms The tremor is known in technical terms as tremor. A characteristic feature of tremor is that it occurs rhythmically and opposing muscle groups contract alternately. There are different types of tremor depending on when the tremor occurs. A tremor at rest, without any movement being performed, is called a rest tremor. This occurs in … Symptoms | Hands tremble

Essential Tremor

Introduction Basically every person has a certain tremor, which manifests itself in the form of slight trembling. However, the normal, physiological tremor is usually not noticeable because it is too weak. However, there are several diseases, such as Parkinson’s, which can cause increased tremor. Among these types of tremor, the essential tremor stands out, as … Essential Tremor

Diagnostics | Essential Tremor

Diagnostics To diagnose essential tremor, a detailed medical history, a neurological examination and, if necessary, laboratory diagnostics are performed. The diagnosis of essential tremor is an exclusion diagnosis. All other diseases that could lead to this symptomatology are excluded by diagnostic measures, so that in the end it is very likely that the diagnosis of … Diagnostics | Essential Tremor

History | Essential Tremor

History Essential tremor is one of the progressive diseases. This means that with increasing age the symptoms often get worse. As the cause is mainly assumed to be hereditary, the predisposition for the disease is already present in childhood. Here, however, it often does not appear yet, why is unclear. In the age of 20 … History | Essential Tremor