Should I also wear an orthosis at night? | Ankle Joint Orthosis

Should I also wear an orthosis at night?

An orthosis for the ankle joint does not always have to be worn at night. If the ligaments have recently been injured, it may initially be advisable to wear the orthosis at night as well, so that no further injury is caused by movement during sleep. This is especially true if the joint is very unstable.

In the case of minor injuries or when healing has already begun, it may be possible to avoid wearing the orthosis at night. In some cases it is even advisable to give the ankle joint more space at night by not wearing the orthosis. This applies in a simplified form if the joint is stable but not yet fully loadable. Therefore, it cannot be said in general whether an orthosis for the ankle joint should also be worn at night. This is a decision to be made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the treating physician.

How long should I wear an ankle orthosis?

The length of time an ankle orthosis should be worn depends on the extent of the injury that made it necessary to wear the orthosis and on the time it takes for the joint to heal. If you have only slightly sprained your foot when bending over without tearing the ligaments, you may be able to carefully try walking without the orthosis again after a few days. If the ligaments are torn or other major injuries occur, however, it may be necessary to wear the orthosis for several weeks.

If the ankle joint is suffering from wear and tear (arthrosis), it is even sometimes advisable to use the orthosis for a long period of time. The doctor who prescribes the orthosis will determine how long it should be worn. If necessary, the recommendation will be adjusted during the healing process. It may also be advisable to do without the orthosis only temporarily after the ankle joint has regained stability, in order to avoid renewed overloading. You can find detailed information on this topic at Duration of a sprain