
Sinusitis is usually understood to be the bacterial inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. As a rule, it is the continued infection of the nasal mucosa in a rhinitis. Cause Since the paranasal sinuses are connected to the nasal passages, infections of the nose (rhinitis) can also spread to the paranasal sinuses. In addition, the mucous … Sinusitis

Diagnosis | Sinusitis

Diagnosis The diagnosis is made by physical examination and the taking of smears from nasal secretions and rhinoscopy (rhinoscopy). If complications occur during the treatment of the sinusitis or if the course of the disease is chronic or even if surgery is planned for treatment, an MRI examination of the sinuses can be performed to … Diagnosis | Sinusitis

Risk of infection | Sinusitis

Risk of infection Sinusitis is a viral or bacterial infection of the mucous membranes of one of the paranasal sinuses. The risk of infection varies depending on the type of pathogen causing the infection. Especially in the cold winter months, acute sinusitis is often caused by so-called rhinoviruses. These usually attack the nasopharynx and cause … Risk of infection | Sinusitis

Complications | Sinusitis

Complications Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) can spread to the orbit (orbit), since the limitation is only given by a wafer-thin bone plate. Swelling of the upper eyelids, pain in eye movement and restriction of the lines of vision can be warning signals for a breakthrough of this bone plate. A dramatic case is … Complications | Sinusitis

Sinusitis in pregnancy | Sinusitis

Sinusitis in pregnancy In about one fifth of all women, swelling of the mucous membranes (gestational rhinitis) occurs during pregnancy. Paranasal sinusitis is often the result. There is often fear of harmful side effects of typical medications for sinusitis such as antibiotics and decongestant nasal drops. However, an insufficiently treated sinusitis also carries risks during … Sinusitis in pregnancy | Sinusitis

Therapy of an allergy

Introduction The therapy against an allergy depends on its strength and severity. The range extends from simple ointments to the administration of life-saving emergency drugs such as adrenaline. Immunotherapy Specific immunotherapy – modes of action and implementation Therapeutic vaccines are well advanced in the treatment of some allergies (mediated by the antibody IgE). The purpose … Therapy of an allergy

Allergic emergency | Therapy of an allergy

Allergic emergency The treatment of an allergic emergency is related to the severity of the reaction and is particularly common in cases of allergies to food (nuts, etc.) and insect venoms. The affected patients therefore carry an emergency kit for self-help and self-medication, which contains a fast-acting antihistamine, a glucocorticoid and adrenaline (Epi-Pen: syringe with … Allergic emergency | Therapy of an allergy

General anesthesia for a cold

What is general anesthesia? General anesthesia is called general anesthesia. General anesthesia is a procedure in which the patient is put into an artificial deep sleep and the consciousness and many natural reactions of the body are switched off. Independent breathing is also suppressed so that the patient has to be artificially ventilated. In addition, … General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia in adults during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold

General anesthesia in adults during a cold A cold typically includes coughing and rhinitis. Both affect the airways. In the case of a cold (rhinitis), the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are inflamed and swell up, resulting in a blocked nose. As a general rule, general anesthesia is best performed on a healthy patient. … General anesthesia in adults during a cold | General anesthesia for a cold