
Definition Vigantoletten® is a vitamin preparation in tablet form that contains vitamin D3 (synonym Cholecalciferol). It is used in case of a deficiency or to prevent a lack of vitamin D3 and a resulting disturbance in calcium metabolism. In general, Vigantoletten® are used for all types of vitamin D3 deficiency as long as there is … Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®

Vigantoletten® for babies Vigantoletten® can also be given to babies. Here too, this must be discussed in advance with the responsible pediatrician. Vigantoletten® promote bone formation in babies and toddlers by encouraging mineralization, i.e. the incorporation of minerals such as calcium. Since vitamin D plays a decisive role in the calcium balance, taking it can … Vigantoletten® for babies | Vigantoletten®

Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Causes The most common cause of vitamin D deficiency is insufficient intake of vitamin D from food, or insufficient formation of vitamin D by sunlight. This occurs particularly in the dark autumn and winter months. Dark skinned people living in Germany are also particularly often affected by a vitamin D deficiency, as their dark skin … Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D is formed from the precursor cholecalciferol, which is either taken in with food or formed by sunlight. This cholecalciferol then undergoes several reactions in the liver and kidneys until it is formed into the active vitamin D (also called calcitriol). In this … Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency

Definition One speaks of a Vitamin D deficiency if the physiological need for Vitamin D cannot be sufficiently covered. As standard value a Vitamin D mirror of 30 μg/l is accepted. Straight one in Germany lies the Vitamin D mirror however far under 20μg/l. Values between 10-20μg/l are referred to as a manifest vitamin D … Vitamin D deficiency