Living in Old Age

Sitting in your four walls in old age? Just continue to live as before? The two friends Elsa and Uta didn’t want that and founded a shared apartment 10 years ago. Independent of their families, they wanted to try something completely new. Loneliness as a risk factor for dementia Determining life for yourself – not … Living in Old Age

Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe In principle, all toes or fingers can be affected by nail bed inflammation. A peculiarity of the big toe is that the nail bed grows there the slowest due to its size. Therefore, on the one hand, germs such as fungi or bacteria can settle … Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Which home remedies can help? In case of a slight nail bed inflammation, various home remedies can be used to relieve discomfort and speed up healing. These are mainly herbal products that have an anti-inflammatory or germicidal effect. Suitable are, for example, preparations made from arnica, onion extract or horseradish. A frequently used household remedy … Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation The duration of a nail bed inflammation on the toe depends on the extent of the inflammation, the trigger and the time when treatment is started. An uncomplicated inflammation of the nail bed, which is recognized and treated in time, usually heals within three days. However, if the disease is … Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Nail bed inflammation (panaritium) is an inflammation of the nail fold, which can spread to the entire nail bed and surrounding structures. The inflammation is caused by the immigration of pathogens, which can migrate mainly through small tears in the skin (rhagades). The pathogen spectrum is usually bacterial staphylococci or streptococci, but nail bed inflammation … Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Delirium: Multiple Causes

When you hear the word “delir” or “delirium,” you usually automatically think of a clinical picture that you mistakenly assign to alcohol abuse. But delirium occurs in up to 50 percent of all hospitalized patients – and by no means only in alcoholics. Definition: what is delirium? Delirium is a clinical picture in which various … Delirium: Multiple Causes

Delir: Therapy

The certainly best known form of delirium is alcohol delirium, which can occur in various forms in alcoholics. How delir is treated in general and what should be considered in the therapy of alcohol delirium in particular is explained below. Alcohol delirium (delirium tremens). Alcohol delirium has some special features. It is important to note … Delir: Therapy

Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers

“Migraines are headaches, even if you don’t have any” – with this thesis, Erich Kästner already declared all migraine patients to be malingerers in his book “Pünktchen und Anton”. In the case of women, who actually suffer from migraines more frequently than men, the sometimes excruciating pain is increasingly accepted as a genuine complaint. But … Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers

How often is breast cancer inherited? | Causes for breast cancer

How often is breast cancer inherited? In most cases, women suffering from breast cancer are not based on hereditary components. The proportion of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation-induced breast cancer cases is as high as one in 10 women with breast cancer. Since men fall ill much less frequently, the data situation here is uncertain. However, … How often is breast cancer inherited? | Causes for breast cancer