Monkeypox Vaccination: Target Group, Risks

Brief overview Description: The smallpox vaccine Imvanex contains non-reproducing live viruses. Because of the close relationship, it protects against both “human” and monkeypox. Who should be vaccinated? Homosexual men with frequently changing sexual partners, medical personnel and laboratory staff with an increased risk of infection, people after close contact with infected persons or infectious material. … Monkeypox Vaccination: Target Group, Risks

Insemination: Procedure, Chances and Risks

What is insemination? Basically, artificial insemination is an assisted method of fertilization. This means that the sperm of the man is brought on the way to the uterus with some assistance. This procedure is also known as artificial insemination or sperm transfer. Further information Read more about the direct transfer of sperm into the uterus … Insemination: Procedure, Chances and Risks

Aspirin: Effects, Application, Risks

How acetylsalicylic acid works Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) inhibits the formation of prostaglandins – tissue hormones that play an important role in inflammatory processes, pain mediation and fever. Thus, acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic effects. The inhibitory effect on the release of prostaglandins has another effect. Normally, prostaglandins promote blood clotting. By preventing … Aspirin: Effects, Application, Risks

Bone Infection: Symptoms and Risks

Brief overview Symptoms: Acute general signs of inflammation such as fever, redness, or swelling, usually localized pain of the affected body part Prognosis and course of disease: With rapid and consistent treatment, acute inflammation curable, transition to chronic form possible, without medical treatment risk of life-threatening blood poisoning Causes and risk factors: Mostly caused by … Bone Infection: Symptoms and Risks

Mastectomy surgery: Definition, reasons, process, and risks

What is a mastectomy? A mastectomy is the removal of the mammary gland on one or both sides (unilateral or bilateral mastectomy). Other names for this surgery are mastectomy or ablatio mammae. There are several procedures available for breast removal: simple mastectomy radical mastectomy (operation according to Rotter and Halsted) modified radical mastectomy subcutaneous mastectomy … Mastectomy surgery: Definition, reasons, process, and risks

Baby-led Weaning – Benefits, Risks

Gill Rapley from the UK has popularized baby-led weaning, or baby-led complementary feeding. This involves offering the baby a variety of foods to choose from intuitively: cooked broccoli florets or carrot strips, steamed fish, omelet strips, or soft pieces of fruit. Many midwives support the concept. Possible benefits include: Instinctively, baby-led weaning is designed to … Baby-led Weaning – Benefits, Risks

Virilization: causes, risks, signs, therapy

Virilization: Description Doctors speak of virilization when women develop male secondary sexual characteristics: Male hair such as beard hair, chest hair (hirsutism) Lower voice pitch Abnormally large clitoris (clitoral hypertrophy) Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) Male body proportions The reason for the masculinization of women is an increased production of male sex hormones (androgens such as … Virilization: causes, risks, signs, therapy