Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity: Procedure and Risks

What is a tube stomach? In addition, the sleeve gastrectomy also seems to set hormonal processes in motion that curb appetite. There is evidence that after sleeve gastrectomy, the stomach produces lower amounts of the so-called hunger hormone “ghrelin”, which additionally reduces appetite. At the same time, appetite-suppressing messenger substances are released. These include, for … Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity: Procedure and Risks

Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Symptoms, Risks

Brief overview Symptoms: Initially tingling and numbness in the arms and legs, with progression of the disease muscle weakness and paralysis in the legs as well as respiratory disorders Treatment: As early as possible by infusion with immunoglobulins (special antibodies) or plasma exchange procedures (plasmapheresis); cortisone helps with acute GBS, other possible medications are heparins … Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Symptoms, Risks

Smallpox vaccination: risks, history, eradication

Brief overview Description: Vaccine protection against the human smallpox virus variola, but also against the related monkeypox. Today, lower-risk vaccine made from non-replicable live viruses. Compulsory smallpox vaccination: First compulsory smallpox vaccination in Bavaria in 1807 against sometimes strong resistance from the population. General compulsory vaccination from the German Empire in 1875 to the Federal … Smallpox vaccination: risks, history, eradication