When do I have to go to the doctor? | Fever and back pain

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Since fever and back pain in this combination can also indicate more serious infections, medical advice should be sought immediately in some situations. Such situations include if the fever lasts longer than one day in children or longer than three days in adults. Even if the back pain goes into the head or the senses or consciousness become cloudy, you should not hesitate to call the emergency medical service. Even if the back pain causes a restriction of movement, such as when the chin can no longer be placed on the chest or when walking in pain is no longer possible, the disease should not be treated without medical help.

The Therapy

Fever and back pain can be treated symptomatically to relieve the symptoms. For example, antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol, or home remedies can be used. Physical measures such as heat pads or a hot bath can help against back pain.

Symptomatic therapy is particularly advisable for flu-like infections, as these infections are ideally “sat out” for a few days. However, if the symptoms persist for several days or get worse, further treatment should be given with medical help. The therapy should then be based on the cause and to find out the cause, further diagnostics are usually required.

If a bacterial infection is the cause, antibiotics must be used – in this case the doctor can tell you which drug is most effective. In case of a clouding of consciousness or with children, special caution should be exercised and a doctor should be consulted more quickly. There is a wide range of simple and prescription home remedies to reduce fever.

These include, for example, calf compresses: a few cloths are dipped in warm water of about 30-35°C and then wrapped tightly around the calves. The body temperature can be lowered quite reliably by about 1°C within an hour. Natural pain-relieving substances such as willow bark extract are ideal for relieving back pain.

This substance is also the starting material for the production of the well-known painkiller Aspirin. Heat cushions, which are heated in warm water or in the microwave, can also be placed on the back to relieve the pain caused by illness. The most important and probably simplest home remedy for fever and back pain, however, is rest and protection, as well as drinking plenty of water and making sure you get vitamins from fresh vegetables or fruit.

The juice of half a lemon can also be diluted with hot water to about a cupful, a few thin slices of ginger and half a teaspoon of honey can be added. The resulting drink can help especially with flu-like infections, and thus addresses the most common cause of fever and back pain. In homeopathy, one must always look at the entire clinical picture in connection with the personality of the patient in order to find the right remedy on the basis of the “drug picture” thus created.

Therefore, no general drug recommendation can be given at this point. Nevertheless, some homeopathic remedies should be mentioned which are often used for fever and accompanying back pain. For example, Gelsemium is a frequently used remedy for a cold infection accompanied by neck pain.

Aconitum can also be used if the affected person is excessively sensitive to pain due to the disease. Rhus toxcodendron is also said to help if the person feels exhausted and still cannot lie still. For an individual prescription of a particular homeopathic remedy, however, the respective drug images should be compared with the symptoms of the affected person or a suitably trained person, such as an alternative practitioner, should be consulted.