Growth Disorder

Definition A growth disorder is the phenomenon that the size, length or shape of a certain part of the body or the entire body deviates from the norm either by excessive or reduced growth. Growth disturbances are often understood to be mainly length growth, i.e. a deviation in the height of the affected person. A … Growth Disorder

High Growth | Growth Disorder

High Growth High growth is present when the body length is above the 97th percentile, i.e. only 3% of those of the same age are taller. With adults in Germany this is the case with women over 180cm and men over 192cm, although there is not necessarily a pathology. In familial (original) high growth, growth … High Growth | Growth Disorder

Duration | Growth Disorder

Duration With few exceptions (temporary malnutrition or cortisone intake), a growth disorder is caused by a genetic defect or a chronic disease. For this reason, a growth disorder does not “heal” easily. Longitudinal growth is only possible until the growth joints in the bones (epiphyseal joints) close up during puberty. For this reason, it is … Duration | Growth Disorder

Which doctor treats growth disorders? | Growth Disorder

Which doctor treats growth disorders? Growth disorders usually require interdisciplinary treatment with doctors from several disciplines. Since children are often affected, the pediatrician is usually involved. In addition, due to the skeletal changes, orthopedic surgeons are also involved. If hormonal imbalances are present, the involvement of endocrinologists is necessary. Depending on the specific clinical picture, … Which doctor treats growth disorders? | Growth Disorder