Scleroderma: Symptoms, Progression, Therapy

Brief overview What is scleroderma?: disease of connective tissue, two forms: circumscritic and systemic scleroderma Symptoms: thickening of the skin, Raynaud’s syndrome, mask face, joint and muscle pain Course and prognosis: Depends on which organs are affected Treatment: Not curable, depends on which organ is affected Causes and risk factors: Autoimmune disease of unknown cause, … Scleroderma: Symptoms, Progression, Therapy

Scleroderma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pathological changes of the skin usually lead in every case to the fact that the affected persons suffer from psychologically and have to experience a considerable impairment of their quality of life. Nevertheless, the options for treatments are also quite favorable in scleroderma. What is scleroderma Scleroderma, properly progressive systemic scleroderma, is a skin disease … Scleroderma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Inflammation of the connective tissue

Introduction Inflammation in the connective tissue can have various causes and thus present itself with different symptoms. In general, inflammation in connective tissue occurs as a response of the tissue to an internal or external stimulus. This can be an injury, an infection or an autoimmune disease. The connective tissue then reacts with the inflammation, … Inflammation of the connective tissue

Scleroderma: Diagnosis and Treatment

In addition to the medical history and skin symptoms, laboratory findings of blood and tissue are important, among other things. For this purpose, it is beneficial to distinguish between progressive systemic scleroderma and circumscritic scleroderma. Expressions of scleroderma. In progressive systemic scleroderma, certain proteins of the defense system (antinuclear antibodies) are found in the blood, … Scleroderma: Diagnosis and Treatment

Scleroderma: Development and Causes

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease. It is an inflammatory rheumatic disease that belongs to the collagenoses. The disease is characterized by progressive hardening of the connective tissue. Initially, the fingertips become discolored only temporarily. Then the skin on the hands, feet and face thickens, becomes hard and brittle. Later, the changes spread to the arms, … Scleroderma: Development and Causes

Scleroderma: Forms and Symptoms

The appearance is highly variable and depends on the form of progression. A distinction is made between the circumscritic (= localized, circumscribed) form, which affects only the connective tissue of the skin and is also referred to as morphaea, and progressive systemic scleroderma, which – to a very different extent – also involves the connective … Scleroderma: Forms and Symptoms

Inflammation of the eye

What is an inflammation of the eye? Inflammation of the eye can affect any part of the eye and therefore different disease patterns can be distinguished. Depending on the type of disease, there are a number of symptoms. Often, however, an inflammatory process in the eye is characterized by redness and itching or burning. In … Inflammation of the eye

Inflammation of the eye – clinical pictures | Inflammation of the eye

Inflammation of the eye – clinical pictures A barleycorn (hordeolum) is the result of a bacterial inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the eyelid. Eyelid inflammation is also known as blepharitis. A distinction is made between an inner barleycorn (hordeolum internum), which forms on the inner side of the eyelid, and an outer … Inflammation of the eye – clinical pictures | Inflammation of the eye

Treatment of inflammation of the eye | Inflammation of the eye

Treatment of inflammation of the eye The appropriate therapy for an eye inflammation depends on the type and severity of the disease. The ophthalmologist makes the diagnosis and then decides whether treatment is necessary and if so, which treatment is needed. In general, eye inflammation is treated locally with cortisone containing (i.e. anti-inflammatory) eye drops … Treatment of inflammation of the eye | Inflammation of the eye