
Products Romosozumab was approved for injection in the United States and EU in 2019 and in many countries in 2020 (Evenity). Structure and properties Romosozumab is a humanized Ig2 monoclonal antibody with a molecular mass of 149 kDa produced by biotechnological methods. Effects Romosozumab (ATC M05BX06) promotes bone formation and, to a lesser extent, additionally … Romosozumab

Osteoporosis Causes and Treatment

Symptoms In osteoporosis, bones become weak, porous, and brittle and undergo structural changes. Even minor stresses can lead to a fracture, especially of the vertebrae, femoral neck, and wrists. Fractures pose a risk to the elderly and can lead to pain, hospitalization, surgery and disability. In the worst cases, they are even life-threatening. Other possible … Osteoporosis Causes and Treatment