Self-perception: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Self-perception is the anchor point for self-awareness and plays a role especially for psychology. Distortions of self-perception, for example, can trigger clinical pictures such as anorexia or dysmorphophobia. Alienations of self-perception often result in social withdrawal and a sense of futility. What is self-perception? In psychology, the term self-perception refers to the perception of oneself. … Self-perception: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation ability is an interaction of different sensory organs and can be trained to a certain extent. Poor spatial orientation does not necessarily have to be associated with disease value. What is spatial orientation? The spatial sense enables humans to orient themselves spatially. This orientation … Spatial Orientation (Spatial Sense): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Maxillary Sinus: Structure, Function & Diseases

The maxillary sinus is part of the paranasal sinus system. The scientific name sinus maxillaris is derived from Latin. Medical terminology also uses the synonym maxillary sinus. The maxillary sinus features paired pneumatization spaces (cavities) in the maxillary bone (maxilla) that are equipped with respiratory ciliated epithelium. What is the maxillary sinus? The maxillary sinus … Maxillary Sinus: Structure, Function & Diseases

Sensory Integration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Sensory integration refers to the interaction of different sensory systems or sensory qualities. What is sensory integration? Sensory integration is a process that occurs everywhere in the brain. It includes, for example, vision, hearing, taste, smell, movement, and body perception. Sensory integration (SI) is the term used to describe both the ordering of sensory impressions … Sensory Integration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Olfactory Receptor: Structure, Function & Diseases

Humans have approximately 350 different olfactory receptors, each of which has a specific odor molecule docked to its cilia, triggering activation of the cell. Via the collected messages of the olfactory receptors, the brain creates the conscious olfactory impression. The olfactory receptors, numbering several million, are located mainly in the olfactory mucosa, a small area … Olfactory Receptor: Structure, Function & Diseases