Numbness in the hand

Definition A numbness in the hand is a sensory disorder caused by a disturbed information transmission of the nerves. This disorder is caused by damage or irritation of the nerves that supply the hand. A numbness can also feel furry or like “ant walking”. In some cases, sensory disturbances can also be accompanied by sensory … Numbness in the hand

Deafness – Sensitivity disorder

A sensitivity disorder is a temporary irritation or permanent damage to the nerve. This leads to misdirected sensations in case of external irritations of the body of the affected person. Just as there can be many different causes for the development of the sensory disorder, there are a large number of forms of sensory disorder. … Deafness – Sensitivity disorder

Herniated disc of C6/7

Definition The herniated disc (also called disc hernia or prolapsus nuclei pulposi) describes the penetration of parts of the disc into the spinal canal. The fibrous cartilage ring, also known as the annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis, tears off. Normally the fibrocartilage ring forms the outer edge of the intervertebral disc and plays a decisive role … Herniated disc of C6/7

Diagnosis | Herniated disc of C6/7

Diagnosis The basis of the diagnosis is, as with many diseases with nerve involvement, the physical examination. Here muscle strength and sensitivity in different nerve supply areas are tested. However, the final diagnosis in case of suspected herniated disc is based on imaging techniques, i.e. MRI, CT or X-ray. X-rays show the cervical spine in … Diagnosis | Herniated disc of C6/7

Sick note for a herniated disc | Herniated disc of C6/7

Sick note for a herniated disc Since the herniated disc in the acute stage can be accompanied by severe pain, patients, especially those in a physically demanding profession, will be put on sick leave by their family doctor if they wish. Recent studies have shown, however, that a long period of bed rest in the … Sick note for a herniated disc | Herniated disc of C6/7

Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Introduction The cervical spine consists of seven cervical vertebrae. The intervertebral discs are each located between two vertebral bodies of the spine and are responsible for the mobility of the spine. An intervertebral disc consists of two parts of an outer zone, the annulus fibrosus and a gelatinous core, the nucleus pulposus. In the context … Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast Overall, the prognosis of a slipped disc in the cervical spine is good. In most patients, the symptoms and the herniated disc are already receding through conservative therapy. In advanced cases, surgery unfortunately cannot guarantee a complete resolution of the symptoms, but an improvement of the symptoms can occur. Causes With the age of … Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics Identifying muscles are those muscles that are only supplied by a corresponding nerve root. In the event of a failure of an identifying muscle, it is therefore possible to determine exactly which nerve root must be constricted. One can therefore determine the exact height of the herniated disc. Between the cervical vertebrae C5/C6, the … Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6