Duration of treatment with loose braces | Braces for adults

Duration of treatment with loose braces

The duration depends strongly on the cooperation of the patient. The more often it is worn, the faster the desired result is achieved. However, the wearing time of loose braces also depends on teeth that break through.

Most often, loose braces are used for children with mixed dentition, who are also still growing. You wait with the fixed braces until all teeth have broken through. In addition, a certain amount of growth must have taken place during this time. Only with the help of the growing bone can the loose braces fulfill their task. This can happen at different speeds with each child.

Cost of fixed braces

In some cases, the costs are partially or even completely covered by the health insurance, in others, nothing is reimbursed. On the one hand, the costs vary according to the type of treatment, i.e. depending on the type of braces used. In addition, the costs increase or decrease depending on the severity of the jaw and tooth misalignment.

For adults over 18 years of age, treatment must be paid privately. The costs can vary between 5000 and 15000. Larger interventions, which are medically justified and require additional surgery, are usually reimbursed by the health insurance company.

Cost of loose braces

Since there is usually a medically indicated justification for loose braces, conventional braces are paid for by the health insurance company. Loose braces such as Invisalign splints (invisible braces) are not included. Whether and how much is ultimately covered, one must ask the health insurance company.

Tax deductibility of braces

There are some cases where patients have been able to remove at least part of their braces. However, there is no guarantee that the tax office will accept every invoice. It depends on how much the invoice costs within a year and whether you get over the tax exemption limit.

In addition, the profession certainly plays a role. In some professions a friendly smile and a well-groomed appearance is more important than in others. Medically necessary treatments and medical costs are considered an “extraordinary burden” by the tax office.

Since an orthodontic treatment is usually a cosmetic or aesthetic problem rather than a health problem, it is also difficult to submit the bill under such an excuse. It is the same with orthodontic invoices as with invoices for cosmetics, hairdresser or optician. In such concrete cases it is advisable to consult a tax advisor.