Sick note for a herniated disc | Herniated disc of C6/7

Sick note for a herniated disc

Since the herniated disc in the acute stage can be accompanied by severe pain, patients, especially those in a physically demanding profession, will be put on sick leave by their family doctor if they wish. Recent studies have shown, however, that a long period of bed rest in the context of a herniated disc is rather detrimental to the healing process, which is why patients are required to be as active as possible in their daily lives, despite being certified as unable to work. The duration and intensity of treatment varies so much from case to case that no general statement can be made about the duration of the certificate of incapacity to work. In addition, it is often possible to work part-time for a certain time after the incapacity to work.

Sports with or after a slipped disc

In principle, sport is not only allowed in the case of herniated discs, but is also strongly recommended. There are, however, some sports that put too much strain on the spine and should not be performed or only be performed with the guidance of a specialist. For example, weight lifting is not only not suitable, but is often the cause of degenerative diseases of the spine.

Endurance sports such as walking or swimming or exercises for a slipped disc are recommended as part of physiotherapy. However, jogging in case of a slipped disc is not advisable, because every time it occurs, the spine is shaken and then compressed, which can – even if only slightly – still hinder the healing process.