
Synonyms Lat. = Testis (Pl. Testes) Definition The paired testicles (Testis) belong together with the epididymis, the spermatic duct and the male sex glands (vesicle gland and prostate) to the internal male sex organs. They serve the production of sperm cells (sperm) and are located below the male member. Each testicle is “suspended” from the … Testicles

Causes of tickling testicles | Testicles

Causes of tickling testicles Sensory disturbances such as tingling are generally very unspecific. It is therefore difficult to determine the cause of these sensations without further symptoms. Possible causes can be pathological processes in the testicles, such as circulatory disorders, inflammation or tumors. Frequently, however, sensations such as tingling indicate nerve irritation. This can either … Causes of tickling testicles | Testicles

Testicular implant | Testicles

Testicular implant A testicular implant or a testicular prosthesis is an artificial replica of the testicle. They are used in reconstructive surgery, e.g. to restore the aesthetic appearance after the removal of a testicle in case of testicular cancer. They are also used in cosmetic surgery, e.g. to adjust the size of the testicle in … Testicular implant | Testicles

Dioscorea villosa

Other term Yam Root Application of Dioscorea villosa in the following homeopathic diseases Nervous stomach and intestinal complaints Abdominal cramps Irregular menstrual bleeding Lack of libido Use of Dioscorea villosa for the following symptoms Improvement of complaints through standing upright, bending backwards and pressure Nervous hyperexcitability of the digestive organs Severe flatulence and cramps Umbilical … Dioscorea villosa