Diagnosis | Weld breakout

Diagnosis To call sweating a diagnosis would be medically wrong. It is an accompanying symptom of many basic diseases, especially those related to heat balance and metabolism. Thus thyroid gland illnesses, cardiovascular diseases etc. It is also a reaction to various causes which activate the involuntary nervous system (here the sympathetic nervous system) and thus … Diagnosis | Weld breakout

Therapy | Weld breakout

Therapy One way to reduce sweating is the use of aluminum chlorides, some of which are contained in deodorants sold in pharmacies. Applied locally, e.g. in the armpit region, they can be very effective as protection against annoying wetness (when used regularly). Otherwise, the “classic” sweats (as described here in this article) are not medically … Therapy | Weld breakout

Weld breakout

Definition Sweating is a sudden reaction of the body to regulate the body core temperature or as an additional symptom during shock symptoms. The body core temperature is about 37°C, below this temperature the body ensures an optimal performance of its tasks. It is regulated by parts of the nervous system that directly stimulate the … Weld breakout