Potential danger of inflammation in the armpit | Inflammation of the armpit – How dangerous is that?

Potential danger of inflammation in the armpit

Inflammation in the armpit is usually a harmless local process, which in most cases occurs as a result of the smallest skin lesions. It often occurs during the depilation process when shaving or when using aggressive depilatory creams. Via the small lesions, pathogens can penetrate the skin and cause a limited inflammation, which can be painful and accompanied by redness.

This usually heals within a few days without consequences. Only in rare cases does an abscess form, an encapsulated, purulent inflammatory process, which should definitely be inspected by a doctor and, if necessary, opened by him or treated with antibiotics. However, if the pathogens penetrate the sweat or sebaceous glands of the axillary skin, they can cause a sebaceous congestion during the inflammation, which can promote the formation of an abscess.

In connection with hair removal, axillary hair ingrowth can also occur, which can cause long-term inflammation and usually manifests itself as itchy, painful and reddened pimples. These do not necessarily represent a reason for presentation to the doctor, but should be observed. Only in very rare exceptional cases are inflammations in the armpit a cause for concern, as they usually heal by themselves.

Only if the symptoms persist for more than a week, if there is severe pain or if a relevant swelling develops, which may indicate the development of an abscess, a doctor should be consulted. Since an abscess can lead to a systemic spread of the pathogen, which can lead to serious complications. There are many causes for the development of an inflammation in the armpit area.

In general, the skin of the armpit is one of the very sensitive skin areas, as it is a hairy skin region containing a large number of sweat glands connected to hair follicles. Due to the constant production and composition of sweat, the skin of the armpit is under a lot of stress.In addition, both the close skin contact to the upper arm and the clothing cause mechanical friction, which the uppermost skin scales repeatedly remove. Most people also frequently apply antiperspirants, which increasingly irritate the skin of the armpit.

One of the most common causes of inflammation in the armpit area is the regular use of a razor or other depilatory products. Especially when using a razor, not only the superficial parts of the hair are removed, but also the smallest skin injuries are caused. Shaving without causing at least minor damage to the skin is often not possible or very difficult due to the anatomical shape of the armpit.

If the affected people produce a lot of sweat after hair removal, it irritates the smallest wound edges and may lead to inflammation. Applying a deodorant immediately after shaving can intensify these skin reactions and increase the risk of developing inflammation. People who prefer this form of hair removal should change the blade of their razor regularly, because blunt razor blades in particular ensure that the hair is not so much cut off as torn from the skin.

Inflammation in the armpit is more likely the less often the razor blade is changed. In addition, regular depilation of the armpit can cause the hairs to grow in and spread under the skin surface. As a result, purulent inflammation can occur over time.

Another cause for the development of inflammation in the armpit area is the bacterial infection of the sweat glands (sweat gland inflammation). In most cases, this is caused by a cornification disorder of the uppermost skin layer, which leads to excessive corneal formation and blocks the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Normally, sebum is regularly secreted through these ducts in order to keep the skin surface supple and protect it from drying out.

The blockage of the excretory ducts causes a sebaceous congestion in the affected persons, as a result of which bacterial pathogens can multiply unhindered in the area of the hair follicles in the armpit and cause an inflammation. The typical bacterial pathogens of the inflammation in the armpit area are staphylococci. If this inflammation persists over a longer period of time, increasingly purulent secretion is formed, which can cause the development of a skin abscess.

Other factors that favour the development of an inflammation in the armpit area are

  • Smoking
  • Overweight (this leads to increased fluid secretion and softening of the skin of the armpit)
  • Tight clothing
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Male sex hormones
  • Bacterial pathogens

The most common complication of inflammation in the armpit area is the development of a skin abscess. An abscess is a cavity filled with purulent secretion without an excretory duct, which could ensure a regular drainage of the secretion. In addition to the purulent secretion, various inflammatory mediators are found inside the abscess, which further advance the inflammatory processes.

An inflammation in the armpit area tends to develop into a skin abscess especially when the immune system of the affected patient is weakened. In addition, previous surgical interventions in this area of the skin can promote the formation of an abscess in the armpit. Furthermore, in the presence of an abscess in the armpit, there is a risk that the pustule will empty itself inwards.

If this happens, the bacterial pathogens can enter the bloodstream and cause blood poisoning (sepsis). Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening disease that requires urgent medical treatment. The treatment of an inflammation in the armpit is always based on the underlying problem.

If the inflammatory processes are caused by the particular depilation method, it should be reconsidered. Some people tolerate depilation with wax or an epilator in the armpit area much better than a daily shave. However, since these procedures can be very painful, an alternative is to use special depilatory creams.

However, these should be tested on a small area of skin before the actual application. If redness develops during this test, the depilatory should never be applied in the armpit area. In addition, when using depilatory cream, it is strongly recommended that you adhere to the exposure times recommended on the package insert.

Otherwise, painful skin symptoms and local inflammatory reactions may occur, as the strong chemicals contained in depilatory creams cause the hair to dissolve. If these chemicals act on the skin surface for too long, the individual skin cells can be severely damaged. In addition, special care should be taken after the depilation.

In order to reduce the risk of developing an inflammation in the armpit area, a caring skin cream should be applied urgently. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the inflammation of the armpit is caused by cosmetics. If this is suspected, those affected should consider changing the skin care products used.

In general, products containing alcohol should be avoided as they disinfect the skin surface but at the same time ensure that it dries out and cracks. The use of alcohol-containing skin care products and/or deodorants can cause severe pain and burning in the armpit area if there is inflammation. In addition, various fragrances contained in the individual care products can cause inflammatory processes or slow down the healing of inflammation.

Persons who observe skin reactions, especially immediately after the application of such care products, should possibly consult a dermatologist and have the intolerance determined. Even in such cases, changing creams and/or deodorants can help to alleviate the inflammation of the armpit. In cases of severe pain or if the symptoms are particularly pronounced, locally effective anti-inflammatory ointments can be applied to the armpit.

Especially ointments containing the ingredient “calendula” are suitable for the treatment of inflammations of the armpit. In any case, affected persons should note that inflamed pimples in the armpit area should never be manipulated on their own; under certain circumstances this may be a cornification disorder with excessive sebum production. In this case, pushing around would lead to extensive inflammatory reactions and make the situation worse.

If roundish swellings are visible in the area of the inflamed armpit, which cause severe pain, a specialist should be consulted urgently. This form of swelling could possibly be an abscess that requires urgent treatment. The treatment of abscesses in the armpit caused by inflammation can be conservative (non-surgical) or surgical.

In many cases, it is sufficient to apply an ointment containing tar over a period of several days.This measure can lead to a regression of the purulent processes. In addition, it is possible to surgically open an abscess in the armpit caused by an inflammation and thus ensure the discharge of pus. The pain caused by an inflammation of the armpit can be treated with pain-relieving drugs, which are either prescribed by the doctor or freely available in the pharmacy.

It is best to seek advice from your doctor. Examples of such drugs, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect, are ibuprofen, aspirin or diclofenac. However, they are not suitable for long-term use and should not be taken for longer than a few days.

Warming and moist compresses can also help against pain. Simply press them gently against the armpit. Furthermore, take care not to strain the stressed skin by shaving or wearing too tight clothing.

If the pain is severe, you should also avoid sports until the inflammation has improved. The use of cooling creams with antibacterial ingredients can be helpful for certain inflammations. In most cases, however, they are not necessary.

Light cortisone ointments can be used for allergic skin rashes and inflammations. As a rule, however, creams and ointments play a subordinate role in the treatment of inflammation of the armpit, as usually no therapeutic measures are necessary. In the case of an abscess, an adequate therapy is required, which does not involve the use of creams or even a pulling ointment.

Pulling ointments, which are intended to promote blood circulation and facilitate the opening of an abscess, are highly controversial and are therefore rarely used. Inflammations in the armpit can be very unpleasant for those affected. Pain and itching are possible symptoms and redness or swelling can also be very annoying.

Some inflammations, such as abscesses, require medical treatment. For lighter inflammations, for example after a shave, home remedies can also help to alleviate the symptoms at first. The following section lists some tips and tricks that you can use to relieve symptoms of inflammation in the armpit area.

  • Protect the skin! In case of an inflammation, very tight clothing in the armpit area should be avoided. Furthermore, scratchy and irritating textiles such as lamb’s wool should be avoided.

    If you suspect a textile intolerance, you should avoid these textiles. Washing with fabric softener or irritating detergents should also be avoided.

  • Avoid irritating deodorants and care products! It is advisable to leave out the deodorant that is usually used to find out if the inflammation is possibly related to it.

    Use fragrance-free deodorants and soaps. Natural deodorants such as alum or lemon juice can also be used.

  • Apply warm compresses! Warm, moist compresses can alleviate the symptoms of inflammation and promote the drainage of inflammatory fluid in the affected area.

    However, always use clean compresses (washcloths) and therefore change them after each application.

  • Apply soothing oils! Aloe vera or tea tree oil are suitable for this purpose. But pay attention to the reaction of your skin. Some people may also have an intolerance to essential oils.