Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Introduction The word dementia is a collective term for different subtypes of diseases that affect different cognitive processes of sick patients. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and usually occurs after the age of 60. For this reason, it is not possible to speak directly of dementia vs. Alzheimer’s disease, as Alzheimer’s … Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Therapy | Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Therapy Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s – what is the therapy? Dementia can nowadays be treated with drugs. The drugs used are also known as antidementia drugs. They increase certain signal substances in the brain, which are typically decreased in dementia patients. However, the effectiveness of the drugs is controversial. Some patients seem to benefit from them, … Therapy | Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Stages of dementia

Dementia is a slowly progressing disease that is accompanied by loss of mental capacity. This is due to dying nerve cells. The disease progresses at different speeds depending on the patient, but cannot be stopped permanently. Depending on which symptoms occur and how pronounced the dementia is, stages are subdivided in the case of dementia. … Stages of dementia

Duration | Stages of dementia

Duration The duration of the dementia illness is different in each case. No rules can be identified that predict how long the disease will last. What is certain is that the disease cannot be cured, but can only be delayed by taking some medication. On average, each stage lasts about three years, so that, depending … Duration | Stages of dementia


Definition The name hippocampus comes from Latin and means translated seahorse. The hippocampus as one of the most important structures of the human brain bears this name in reference to its seahorse-like form. It is part of the telencephalon and is found once in each half of the brain. Anatomy The name hippocampus comes from … Hippocampus

Diseases of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

Diseases of the hippocampus In some people suffering from depression, a decrease in the size (atrophy) of the hippocampus has been observed in studies. The people most affected were those with chronic depression (lasting for many years) or those with very early onset of the disease (in early adulthood). In the context of depression, there … Diseases of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

MRT of the hippocampus Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, is the imaging diagnosis of choice for assessing possible pathological changes in the brain, including the hippocampal region in the temporal lobe. Within the framework of epilepsy diagnostics, even small lesions or abnormalities can be detected and treated at an early stage. MRI of … MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus