Homeopathy for fever

Homeopathic medicines

As homeopathic medicines for fever and chills, the following can be considered:

  • Aconitum
  • Belladonna
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum
  • Ferrum phosphoricum
  • Gel-semium


Aconitum can be taken for the following symptoms and complaints: The symptoms get worse in the evening and at night and in the heat. Typical dosage of Aconitum: Tablets D6 Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Characteristic for the middle is the stormy beginning, mostly after cold wind (east wind) but also after anger and fright
  • The fever often starts around midnight, accompanied by severe anxiety.
  • Dry, hot skin
  • Pulse hard and throbbing
  • Frost showers
  • Chills
  • Intense thirst


Belladonna can be taken for the following symptoms and complaints: Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of belladonna: Tablets D4, D6

  • Fever with sudden onset with red, sweaty skin.
  • Face bright red, shiny, wide pupils.
  • Thumping, hard, full and fast pulse.
  • Typical triad: hot, red, knocking sensations
  • Steaming sweat in bed, but wants to stay covered
  • Dry mucous membranes with a strong thirst for cold water
  • Hammering headache with worsening when bending
  • Often follows aconitum (dry skin) when sweating starts

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Eupatorium perfoliatum can be used for the following symptoms and complaints: Typical dosage of Eupatorium perfoliatum for fever: D3 drops

  • Febrile infection with periodic fever, beginning in the morning and highest
  • At night and in the morning the patient is cold, during the day hot with red face and sweat
  • Feeling of shattered limbs and bones
  • Dry cough, back of the head and eye pain
  • Much thirst for cold water but drinking provokes vomiting

Ferrum phosphoricum

Ferrum phosphoricum can be taken for the following symptoms and complaints: Typical dosage of Ferrum phosphoricum for fever: Tablets D6

  • The fever starts gradually (not stormy and sudden as with aconitum and belladonna, without fear and anxiety, without redness of the head)
  • Rapidly exhausted people with low resistance
  • Pulse fast, small, soft, easily suppressed
  • Tendency to nosebleeds and middle ear infections with throbbing, pulsating pain
  • Complaints worse night
  • Ferrum phosphoricum is particularly suitable in the early stages of an infection and is also considered the first inflammatory agent.