Silicosis: Causes, Signs, Prevention

Pneumoconiosis: Description Doctors refer to pneumoconiosis (Greek pneuma = air, conis = dust) as pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis occurs when the lung tissue is pathologically altered by inhaled inorganic (mineral or metallic) dust. If the connective tissue of the lungs scars and hardens, experts speak of fibrosis. Many occupational groups are exposed to harmful dust. Dust lung … Silicosis: Causes, Signs, Prevention

Silicosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Silicosis is a lung disease. It occurs particularly in the context of occupational diseases and is more prevalent in developing countries, where occupational health and safety levels are low. What is silicosis? Silicosis occurs due to quartz particles. If these are inhaled at regular intervals and in higher doses, the lungs undergo pathological changes. Eventually, … Silicosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment