Sinupret® Drops

Introduction Sinupret® is a herbal medicine. It is composed of several herbal remedies. It is available in drop and tablet form. Sinupret® is not subject to prescription. It can be sold over the counter in pharmacies. Sinupret® has no strong side effects and no special interactions with other drugs. Sinupret® only has a soothing effect … Sinupret® Drops

Side effects | Sinupret® Drops

Side effects As a side effect, gastrointestinal complaints may occur. These are usually caused by a slight overdose. This can lead to abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and diarrhea. Since Sinupret® drops contain alcohol, people with an alcohol disorder or dry alcoholics should rather take the tablet form. As with all medications, Sinupret® can cause … Side effects | Sinupret® Drops