Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS), Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Obstructive Sleep-Disordered Breathing (OSBAS), Obstructive Snoring, Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (SAS – generic term) English. (obstructive) sleep apnea syndrome apnea: from the Greek: “respiratory arrest”; Say: “apnea”, not “apnoe” Spelling error: sleep apnea syndrome Definition and symptoms Apnea means cessation of breathing … Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Which symptoms occur and when does sleep apnea require therapy? | Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Which symptoms occur and when does sleep apnea require therapy? Often, bed neighbors become aware of their partner’s restless sleep with pauses in breathing that end with a snoring sound or sigh, and irregular loud snoring. The breathing rhythm is disturbed. Cause of sleep apnea syndrome In more than 90% of cases, the cause of … Which symptoms occur and when does sleep apnea require therapy? | Sleep Apnea Syndrome

How do the respiratory arrests occur and what are their consequences? | Sleep Apnea Syndrome

How do the respiratory arrests occur and what are their consequences? In humans, the entire musculature relaxes during sleep. Excessive slackening of the muscles in the palate and throat, as well as other obstacles (polyps, nasal septum deviation), can represent a relevant barrier to the flow of respiratory gas (S. respiration). The body is repeatedly … How do the respiratory arrests occur and what are their consequences? | Sleep Apnea Syndrome