Gestures: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Gesture is nonverbal communication through arms, hands, and head movements. It often occurs concomitantly with verbal communication and supports the characteristics of speech. What is gesture? Gesture is nonverbal communication through arms, hands, and head movements. Gestures have tremendous importance in human evolution and contributed to the development of language. They were even influential to … Gestures: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Keratocyst: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Keratocyst is the medical term for a keratocystic odontogenic tumor. It refers to an aggressively growing, but in most cases benign, tumor. What is a keratocyst? A keratocyst refers to a keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT). In medicine, it is also known as an odontogenic primordial cyst. This is a cavity within the jawbone that is … Keratocyst: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Progeny: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Progenia is a disease of the jaw. In this case, this is misaligned (dysgnathia). Characteristic of a progenia is a reverse overbite of the incisors (so-called frontal crossbite). What is progenia? In dentistry, the term progenia is used to describe a massive malocclusion of the jaw. Since the term is increasingly perceived as misleading because … Progeny: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Speech Therapy: Speech Disorders

When children do not learn to speak properly or adults – for example, due to illness – have problems with speech, then speech therapy comes into play. What speech disorders there are and how speech therapy can help, we explain below. Speech disorders in children The “classic” speech development disorders in children include disorders of … Speech Therapy: Speech Disorders

Speech Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Speech disorders, speech defects, and language disorders can occur both congenitally and as a result of disadvantaged and underwhelming language development in children. Typical speech disorders for this are stuttering, lisping and stammering. However, accidents and illnesses can also cause speech and language to regress in the course of life. Typical diseases that have speech … Speech Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Stages of dementia

Dementia is a slowly progressing disease that is accompanied by loss of mental capacity. This is due to dying nerve cells. The disease progresses at different speeds depending on the patient, but cannot be stopped permanently. Depending on which symptoms occur and how pronounced the dementia is, stages are subdivided in the case of dementia. … Stages of dementia

Duration | Stages of dementia

Duration The duration of the dementia illness is different in each case. No rules can be identified that predict how long the disease will last. What is certain is that the disease cannot be cured, but can only be delayed by taking some medication. On average, each stage lasts about three years, so that, depending … Duration | Stages of dementia

Brain cysts

Introduction Brain cysts are delimited cavities in brain tissue, which can be either empty or filled with fluid. Sometimes they are additionally divided into several small chambers. Brain cysts are generally benign and, as long as they do not cause any symptoms, do not always need to be treated. In this case they are often … Brain cysts

Cysticercosis | Brain cysts

Cysticercosis Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by infection with the tapeworms Taenia saginata and Taenia solium. The tapeworms use humans only as intermediate hosts and not as final hosts, which is why they store their eggs in different tissues. This results in the formation of the characteristic cysts in which the new tapeworms develop … Cysticercosis | Brain cysts