Gestures: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Gesture is nonverbal communication through arms, hands, and head movements. It often occurs concomitantly with verbal communication and supports the characteristics of speech. What is gesture? Gesture is nonverbal communication through arms, hands, and head movements. Gestures have tremendous importance in human evolution and contributed to the development of language. They were even influential to … Gestures: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Speech is a basic function of human communication and distinguishes humans from any animal in this area. Human speech in this mature form does not occur in the animal kingdom and is a unique, highly accurate mode of communication among humans. What is speech? Speaking is the core of human communication. While gestures, facial expressions … Speech: Function, Task & Diseases

Speech Therapy: Speech Disorders

When children do not learn to speak properly or adults – for example, due to illness – have problems with speech, then speech therapy comes into play. What speech disorders there are and how speech therapy can help, we explain below. Speech disorders in children The “classic” speech development disorders in children include disorders of … Speech Therapy: Speech Disorders

Stuttering: Therapy

Only when a child no longer likes to speak, avoids speaking, when even conspicuous body movements or grimaces and breathing disorders are added to speech, parents should definitely seek help. “Parents who are unsure whether their child’s speech problems are incipient stuttering symptoms are also welcome to come to us, of course,” emphasizes Professor Schade. … Stuttering: Therapy

Stuttering: When the Words Get Stuck

One percent of adults in Germany stutter. These 800,000 stutterers are exposed to enormous psychological pressure, they are insecure and not infrequently isolated. Children stutter particularly frequently – but this is not always a cause for concern. Aristotle, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, “Mr. Bean” Rowan Atkinson, Bruce Willis and Dieter Thomas Heck are prominent examples … Stuttering: When the Words Get Stuck

Clinical evidence of the motor speech center | Language Center

Clinical evidence of the motor speech center Lesions in the area of the motor speech center are called Broca’s aphasia. Aphasia means as much as speechlessness. Broca’s aphasia results in characteristic symptoms that make it possible to distinguish it from Wernicke’s aphasia (see below). Thus, although the affected persons can still understand what is spoken … Clinical evidence of the motor speech center | Language Center