Liver skin sign

Introduction Liver damage or cirrhosis of the liver can lead to the appearance of so-called hepatic signs. These are different skin rashes that are directly related to the damage to the liver. These hepatic signs can be triggered, for example, by taking substances that are toxic to the liver, such as alcohol, drugs or some … Liver skin sign

Associated symptoms | Liver skin sign

Associated symptoms Other symptoms besides the hepatic signs in the context of damage to the liver tissue can be general symptoms such as fatigue and weakness. In some cases patients suffer from itching. Especially if the liver is enlarged, a feeling of pressure and fullness in the right upper abdomen may occur. In the advanced … Associated symptoms | Liver skin sign

Diagnosis | Liver skin sign

Diagnosis Liver skin signs can be more or less pronounced and a doctor should always be consulted if these skin changes are present. The doctor recognizes the typical skin changes and rashes by means of inspection (gaze diagnosis) of the patient. In the following he can evaluate the liver by means of ultrasound examination and … Diagnosis | Liver skin sign