Treatment of a bruise after surgery | How do you treat a bruise?

Treatment of a bruise after surgery In the course of an operation there are not always, but often minor to major bruising. Depending on the type of operation and the procedures used, incisions are made and vessels are injured. This results in bleeding into surrounding tissue or the body cavity. Small bruises may occur at … Treatment of a bruise after surgery | How do you treat a bruise?

How long should one treat a bruise? | How do you treat a bruise?

How long should one treat a bruise? The duration of the treatment of a bruise depends strongly on the size and extent of the bruise. Smaller bruises often heal within a few weeks (1-2 weeks). Larger bruises, for example those caused by more severe impact injuries to the legs, when taking anticoagulants or after operations, … How long should one treat a bruise? | How do you treat a bruise?

Duration of a sprain

Synonyms in a broader sense Distortion, twisting Introduction A sprain – no matter which joint – is a very common injury and happens quickly. Especially athletes are almost all affected at least once in their lives. When the time comes and the injury has occurred, there is usually nothing more that can be done about … Duration of a sprain