Tips | Flat stomach exercises


The following tips should help you get a flat stomach, and this is best done as soon as possible. Tip 1 deals with the deep muscles of our body. Especially the deep abdominal muscles are the key to success.

If this muscle group is too weak, you often tend to have a rounded abdomen, regardless of your body weight. Also the upright posture is controlled to a large extent by these muscles. An effective abdominal movement exercise that addresses these muscles is oblique sit-ups and crunches.

Tip 2 is about the intensity that is appropriate for the exercises.Most exercises can be done at home. But even in front of the television, the exercises should be performed conscientiously to ensure quick results. This means that the movement sequences, but also the breathing must be adapted to the respective exercise.

As a rule of thumb for the intensity one can say that after twelve repetitions a (very) short break should be taken, because at this point you should reach your physical limit. The execution is therefore an important aspect of intensity. Tip 3 makes it possible to work on a flat stomach, even if you are in a recovery phase and not exercising.

To do this, after showering, you can stimulate blood circulation and fat loss by massaging your abdomen clockwise with oil and plucking the tissue around the navel. Endurance sports play a decisive role in tip 4. If you want to get rid of your fat pads on your tummy, there is no getting around endurance sports such as swimming, jogging and cycling.

A lot of exercise ensures a change in figure and permanent weight reduction. Up to three endurance units per week are recommended. Tip 5 deals with the topic healthy eating.

Everyone is aware that fruit is healthy and contains a lot of vitamins. As snack it offers itself to fall back frequently times to fresh vegetable. Fruit contains a relatively high amount of sugar and can increase the insulin level, which then promotes fat storage.

Therefore exchange fruit for vegetables more often. Tip 6 is about leading a healthy life outside of training and nutrition. A few beers with friends or a nice bottle of wine in the evening are not conducive to the abdominal-displacement program.

On the one hand, alcohol is very high in calories and also lowers the production of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone boosts fat burning and thus plays an important role in achieving a flat stomach. Let’s stick to Tip 7 a little bit with lifestyle and nutrition.

If you want to lose fat, you should make sure you consume more calories than you consume. You should therefore know roughly how many calories you consume and use this information to control your energy intake. Tip 8 deals with the so-called citrus kick.

It is about adding a few squirts of lemon to your drinking water. This boosts fat burning and promotes purification and digestion. Tip 9 deals with the topic of drinks.

Drinking a lot is a well-known principle for athletes. But by choosing the right drinks, you can do your stomach some extra good. Herbal teas with anise, fennel or caraway are very beneficial for the stomach.

Tip 10 goes into the nutrition again. Foods that have a flatulent effect, such as legumes, ready-made meals, fresh bread, coffee and alcohol should be removed from the menu. If the stomach is bloated, it appears thicker and rounder than it is. Therefore one should take care to eat easily digestible, like steamed vegetables. Non-carbonated drinks, rice and white fish are also recommended.