How can you prevent boils in the genital area? | Boils in the genital area

How can you prevent boils in the genital area? To prevent the development and transmission of furuncles, a few things are important. First of all, good personal hygiene is very important to prevent furuncles. Especially when the boils have been opened it is more important than ever to make sure that the wound is kept … How can you prevent boils in the genital area? | Boils in the genital area

Furuncle in the neck

When bacteria penetrate deep into the hairline, they can cause an unpleasant inflammation at the hair follicle. If the inflammation progresses further by forming pus and accumulating in a capsule, it is a boil. The boil can initially be limited to a hair follicle. If the inflammation continues to spread, a boil can also grow … Furuncle in the neck

The skin flora

Function of the skin flora Skin flora is the term used to describe the countless microorganisms that colonize the skin from the outside. These include a wide variety of bacteria, spores and fungi that are permanently or only temporarily settled there. The bacteria colonize the skin very densely and are an extremely important part of … The skin flora

Classification of the skin flora | The skin flora

Classification of the skin flora One can divide the skin flora into a transient and a resident colonization. Literally, the terms “transient” and “resident” are used. While the resident flora permanently colonizes the skin, the microorganisms of the transient flora only occur temporarily, for example by transmission from other people. As long as the transient … Classification of the skin flora | The skin flora

Coagulase test

Definition – What is the coagulase test? A coagulase test is performed to detect bacteria. Bacteria from the group of staphylococci can be distinguished by the so-called clumping factor. There are coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (Staphylococcus epidermidis). The test is usually performed in a laboratory. The detection allows the therapy to be … Coagulase test

Evaluation | Coagulase test

Evaluation The evaluation depends on the formation of lumps, the so-called agglutination. If the formation of lumps occurs after the plasma and bacterium have been mixed on the slide or the test tube, the test is positive and it is a coagulase-positive Staphylococcus bacterium. If no lumps are formed but a milky cloud without agglutinates, … Evaluation | Coagulase test

Diagnosis | Hair follicle inflammation

Diagnosis The diagnosis of hair follicle inflammation is usually a classic gaze diagnosis. Besides the description of the symptoms and the typical gaze findings, no further examinations are usually necessary. If the hair follicle inflammation cannot be treated with the usual methods, if it recurs frequently or if there are other reasons, the exact pathogen … Diagnosis | Hair follicle inflammation

Therapy of hair follicle inflammation | Hair follicle inflammation

Therapy of hair follicle inflammation The hair follicle inflammation can usually be treated well with locally applied ointments. Depending on the underlying pathogen, antibiotic (e.g. Fucidine, Refobacin®) or antimycotic agents are used. In the case of very severe cases or if large parts of the body are affected, it may also be necessary to treat … Therapy of hair follicle inflammation | Hair follicle inflammation