Is it still possible to be pregnant with a spotting? | Spotting during early pregnancy

Is it still possible to be pregnant with a spotting?

Spotting is not uncommon, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. On the one hand, they can occur at the time of the usual period or they can be caused by the implantation of the fertilized egg ́s. A spotting does not necessarily mean that the pregnancy has been terminated.

In the case of implantation, the bleeding is even a sign of pregnancy. Bleeding due to irritation is also not a sign of pregnancy. However, if spotting occurs in combination with abdominal pain or cramps, it is often a sign of an extrauterine pregnancy or miscarriage.

In this case it means the end of an existing pregnancy. If bleeding occurs during the process of implantation of the fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus, it is a positive sign of pregnancy in the first month. However, since spotting alone cannot be the cause of this, spotting per se is not a sign of pregnancy.

Spotting can also occur outside of pregnancy between menstruation. The most common causes are hormonal fluctuations in the menstrual cycle, infections or sometimes benign and malignant tumours.