Eyelid tumor

Synonyms tumor of the eyelids, eye tumor, cancer, eye cancer Definition Eyelid tumors are tumors of the eyelids. They can be both benign and malignant. Benign tumors include benign tumors Malignant tumors include Warts or also Fat deposits (xanthelasma) Blood sponges (hemangiomas). Basaliomas Melanomas General information The malignant eyelid tumor that occurs most frequently (approx. … Eyelid tumor

Causes of strabismus

General information There are several possible causes for strabismus. The fact that strabismus is more common in some families suggests that there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. Therefore strabismus is hereditary. If one parent squints or has squinted earlier, the child should be examined by an ophthalmologist for signs of strabismus within the … Causes of strabismus

Prognosis | Squint

Prognosis The prognosis of strabismus depends on the shape of the strabismus, the cause and many other factors. In general, the earlier strabismus is detected and treated, the better. If strabismus in early childhood is detected too late, children may develop weak eyesight. This occurs because only one eye (the fixating eye) is primarily used … Prognosis | Squint


Synonyms Strabismus Definition Strabismus is the deviation of an eye from the direction in which it should naturally look. This means that one eye is looking at an object, i.e. fixed, with the other eye looking past the object. An object is therefore not looked at by both eyes at the same time. Strabismus in … Squint

Forms of strabismus | Squint

Forms of strabismus Early childhood squint syndromeEarly childhood squint occurs in the first 6 months of life. Other neurological causes (neurology) must be excluded. Presumably there is a developmental defect which prevents the child from seeing with both eyes. The brain is therefore unable to merge the image of the right eye and the image … Forms of strabismus | Squint

Therapy | Squint

Therapy In order to maintain binocular vision in normosensory late strabismus, a prompt operation is advisable. It is recommended to have the operation after 6 months at the latest. The goal is to restore the parallel eye position in order to make binocular vision completely possible. In early childhood strabismus, first of all the visual … Therapy | Squint

Symptoms | Squint

Symptoms Among the complaints of a cross-eyed person are slight fatigue, as seeing is strenuous, headaches and double vision can occur. Sometimes the patient’s vision is blurred. If paralysis strabismus is present, for example if a nerve is damaged that normally supplies a muscle in the eye, the patients complain of nausea and dizziness. Patients … Symptoms | Squint

The eye muscle paralysis

Introduction Paralysis of the eye muscles is also known in ophthalmology as ophthalmoplegia or eye muscle paresis. This is a disease of the eyes that causes paralysis of the eye muscles. Paralysis of the eye muscles is a movement restriction of one or both eyes caused by damage to the eye muscle, the transmission point … The eye muscle paralysis

Autologous serum eye drops

English: autologous eyedrops Synonyms Eye drops from own blood Definition The so-called autologous serum eye drops are eye drops that are obtained from the patient’s own blood. This type of treatment is used for a wide variety of diseases affecting the cornea of the eye. They can be used for dry eyes (sicca syndrome), corneal … Autologous serum eye drops