Home remedy for sore muscles | Sore muscles – What helps best?

Home remedy for sore muscles Home remedies are relatively important in the treatment of sore muscles, since few therapeutic approaches are popular apart from waiting and light physical activity to stimulate blood circulation. In the context of heat therapy, a hot bath can be helpful as an equally effective alternative to the sauna. The warm … Home remedy for sore muscles | Sore muscles – What helps best?

Training for sore muscles | Sore muscles – What helps best?

Training for sore muscles If you suffer from aching muscles, immobilization, for example in the form of a training break, is definitely the wrong therapy approach. It makes more sense to continue training at a lower level. Further training is quite possible and not harmful. Instead, it can accelerate the regeneration phase under light intensity. … Training for sore muscles | Sore muscles – What helps best?