
Products Antitussives are commercially available in the form of tablets, capsules, as cough syrups, and drops, among others. Structure and properties Antitussives do not have a uniform chemical structure. However, many are derived from natural opium alkaloids (opioids). Effects Antitussives have cough-irritating (antitussive) properties. They reduce the frequency and intensity of coughing attacks. Their effects … Antitussives

Sundew: Medicinal Uses, Effects, Indications

Stem plant Droseraceae, round-leaved sundew. Medicinal drug Droserae herba – sundew herb. Preparations Droserae extractum ethanolicum liquidum Droserae extractum liquidum Droserae recentis herbae cum radice extractum ethanolicum liquidum Droserae tinctura Ingredients 1,4-Naphtoquinone derivatives, e.g., plumbagin. Effects Cough-irritant Bronchospasmolytic Indications for use Irritant cough Dosage As an infusion, mean daily dose 3 g. Adverse effects None … Sundew: Medicinal Uses, Effects, Indications

Cough Syrups

Products Cough syrups are commercially available from numerous suppliers. Typical categories include herbal, “chemical” (containing synthetic active ingredients), cough-irritant, and expectorant. They are sold in pharmacies and drugstores, among other places. Cough syrup can also be prepared by the patient. For example, vegetable extracts (see below), honey, sugar and drinking water can be used. Homemade … Cough Syrups

Acute Bronchitis

Symptoms Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. The leading symptom is a cough that is first dry and later often productive. Other symptoms include difficulty breathing, sounds when breathing (whistling, rattling), feeling sick, hoarseness, fever, chest pain, and accompanying symptoms of the common cold or flu. The disease is usually self-limiting, so … Acute Bronchitis


Synonyms in a broader sense protected! Latin name: Drosera rotundifolia common name: Engelkraut, Himmelstau, Marienträne Family: Sundews Plant description The leaves carry numerous, at the ends spherically thickened, sticky catch-hairs that glitter in the sun (name) and attract small insects. These stick firmly, are digested and serve the plant as a source of nitrogen, because … Sundew

Application in homeopathy | Sundew

Application in homeopathy The homeopathic drug Drosera is successfully used for irritable cough, whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma. The most common potencies are D2 to D6. Drosera is particularly suitable for patients who complain of pain behind the breastbone when coughing. In addition, the coughing cases are salvo-like, there is nausea and a feeling of … Application in homeopathy | Sundew