Speech Therapist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Speech and the ability to communicate represent essential characteristics of human beings. All the more difficult have those who suffer from disorders of their speech and voice. These people are not only threatened in their professional and social existence, but are likewise exposed to the risk of being ostracized by their social environment. These risks … Speech Therapist: Diagnosis, Treatment & Choice of Doctor

Pain as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation | Symptoms of parotid gland inflammation

Pain as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation Since the parotid gland is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue, it presses on nerves and nerve tracts in case of swelling. This can lead to immense pain and loss of function. Parotid gland inflammation usually causes severe pressure pain in front of and under the … Pain as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation | Symptoms of parotid gland inflammation

Pus as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation | Symptoms of parotid gland inflammation

Pus as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation A bacterial inflammation of the parotid gland usually results in a purulent secretion. In some cases, this pus can also reach the oral cavity. Those affected often notice a very unpleasant taste in the mouth. In the case of a viral inflammation, the secretion is usually clear … Pus as a symptom of parotid gland inflammation | Symptoms of parotid gland inflammation

Speech therapy

Definition Speech therapy is a medical and therapeutic specialty, which deals with the diagnosis and therapy of speech, voice, swallowing and hearing disorders of patients of all ages. With the help of special exercises speech therapists try to identify the existing complex disturbances and to improve the communication skills and swallowing disorders. Speech therapy is … Speech therapy

How does the logopedic treatment work? | Speech therapy

How does the logopedic treatment work? The logopedic treatment can be started acutely during a hospital stay, in a rehabilitation clinic or also ambulant in a logopedic practice. At the beginning of each treatment a detailed diagnosis is made to clarify the existing disorder.Through targeted tests, the treating speech therapist examines which areas of speech … How does the logopedic treatment work? | Speech therapy