Sweating on the head during sports | Sweating on the head

Sweating on the head during sports

During sports, the muscles are increasingly stressed and convert carbohydrates and fats into energy and movement. However, this also generates heat, which the body releases back into the environment through various systems. The most important system is sweating.

Therefore it is completely normal to sweat more during sports activities and has absolutely no disease value. The fact that different people sweat differently during sports depends on the number and activity of their sweat glands, as well as on their training condition. Only the increased sweating at rest can have a pathological background.

Sweating on the head while eating

When eating, a similar effect occurs as with sports. Eating represents a certain amount of effort for the human body, as the carbohydrates, proteins and fats ingested must be absorbed, processed, broken down and stored. In addition to energy conversion, heat is also released.This is particularly pronounced when more proteins are absorbed, as these consume the most energy during digestion.

Sweating on the head due to vitamin D deficiency

In case of increased sweating, especially on the head, a vitamin D deficiency should be considered in any case. Vitamin D is responsible in the body for the mineral and fluid balance, among other things. It ensures that electrolytes and minerals are built into bones and muscles.

If there is a deficiency, concentration and muscle weakness often occur. The latter causes greater exertion during exercise and thus more sweating. In addition, there is an increased production of sebum, which is deposited over the pores of the hair cells and causes an increased sweat production.