Transient Ischemic Attack

Symptoms The possible symptoms of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) include: Visual disturbances, temporary blindness Difficulty swallowing Sensory disturbances such as numbness or formication. Speech disorders Coordination disorders, loss of balance, paralysis. Behavioral disturbances, fatigue, drowsiness, agitation, psychosis, memory impairment. The symptoms occur suddenly, are transient and last only briefly, during a maximum of one … Transient Ischemic Attack

Can tingling indicate a circulatory problem?

Introduction Circulatory disorders lead to an undersupply of blood and nutrients to the tissue. The cause can be arterial or venous vessels. Circulatory disorders can then cause sensations such as tingling. Other typical symptoms are pale skin and headaches. As a rule, circulatory disorders and the associated complaints develop slowly. However, there are also other … Can tingling indicate a circulatory problem?

Tingling in the face | Can tingling indicate a circulatory problem?

Tingling in the face A tingling sensation in the face is not typical for a circulatory disorder. Here, damage to the facial nerves is often the cause of a tingling sensation or pain. Furthermore, burns and frostbite can also lead to such sensations. More rarely, multiple sclerosis can be the cause. Another rare cause of … Tingling in the face | Can tingling indicate a circulatory problem?

What role does the Foramen ovale play in the baby | The Foramen ovale of the heart

What role does the Foramen ovale play in the baby After birth and as a result of a baby’s first breaths, there is a change in pressure within the lungs and heart. The blood no longer passes through the Foramen ovale, but passes through the natural lung and body circulation. The Foramen ovale is therefore … What role does the Foramen ovale play in the baby | The Foramen ovale of the heart

Does a Foramen ovale require blood thinning? | The Foramen ovale of the heart

Does a Foramen ovale require blood thinning? In the case of an open Foramen ovale it is not necessarily necessary to use blood-thinning medication. Thrombi can pass through the Foramen ovale, which is why the Foramen ovale indirectly increases the probability of a possible stroke in the brain or further embolisms within the large circulation. … Does a Foramen ovale require blood thinning? | The Foramen ovale of the heart


In medicine, the abbreviation PRIND stands for the prolonged reversible ischemic neurological deficit. A PRIND is therefore a kind of minor stroke. A stroke is caused by reduced blood flow in the brain. If a part of the brain is damaged in such a way that it is no longer reversible, this is called a … PRINCIPAL

Diagnosis | PRINCIPAL

Diagnosis At the beginning of every diagnosis is the consultation with the doctor. The doctor asks about the symptoms and thus forms an initial opinion of the clinical pictures that come into question. If the doctor suspects a PRIND, an image of the head is usually taken. The cause of the mini-stroke is also searched … Diagnosis | PRINCIPAL


Therapy Since the symptoms disappear on their own, the main focus is on the treatment of risk factors. If the symptoms, such as paralysis, persist for a few weeks, physiotherapy may be beneficial. However, the most important thing is to prevent a stroke from developing properly after the PRIND. If a PRIND is diagnosed, the … Therapy | PRINCIPAL

Prophylaxis | PRINCIPAL

Prophylaxis The prophylaxis consists of the elimination of risk factors. These include sport, healthy nutrition and abstaining from alcohol and smoking. If diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure are already known, they may have to be stopped by a doctor with medication. Therefore, regular visits to the doctor and regular taking of the … Prophylaxis | PRINCIPAL

TIA as a Stroke Precursor

In a TIA, similar signs occur as in a stroke (apoplexy), but the symptoms disappear completely again within a certain period of time. As with a stroke, the cause is usually a blood clot that blocks a small vessel in the brain. Like a stroke, a TIA is also an emergency: if you notice such … TIA as a Stroke Precursor