Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy Cysts are hollow spaces lined with mucosa. If a cyst forms in the jaw, it should usually be removed and last but not least, it should be examined to see whether it is a benign or possibly malignant change in the tissue. In cystostomy, a connection between the cyst cavity and the oral or … Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Pull a molar

Introduction Caries, pain or the breaking off of a molar tooth can lead to the fact that a tooth can no longer be preserved. The “extraction” of a molar means that one of the large molars is removed from its socket, complete with crown and roots. The treatment creates a wound at this point, which … Pull a molar

Complications of a molar tooth extraction | Pull a molar

Complications of a molar tooth extraction Possible complications that can occur when pulling a molar tooth include the breaking off of the crown. This is not an unusual situation, the roots of the tooth can be removed individually afterwards. During the extraction of the molar, it is still possible that the broken tooth falls down … Complications of a molar tooth extraction | Pull a molar