Costs | Tramal® tablets

Costs Tramal® hard capsules with a dose of 50 mg per capsule cost €11.94 on a private prescription in a pack of 10 hard capsules, €13.86 with 30 hard capsules and €15.90 with 50 hard capsules. On presentation of a cash prescription, only the prescription fee of 5 Euro is charged. Tramal Long® tablets in … Costs | Tramal® tablets


Introduction Tramundin® is a drug from the group of opioids and is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain of various causes due to its analgesic effect. It is not a pure opioid, as it also exerts its analgesic effect via another mechanism similar to that of antidepressants. Tramadol is the active ingredient … Tramundin®

Side effects | Tramundin®

Side effects The opioid receptors as the target of Tramundin® are localized at some organs in the body, which results in the manifold and sometimes serious side effects that should be considered before taking Tramundin®. The influence on the above-mentioned messenger quantities further extends the spectrum of possible undesirable side effects. The most common adverse … Side effects | Tramundin®


Chemical name Tramadol hydrochloride Prescription requirement Tramadolor® is a prescription-only drug. Definition Tramadolor® contains the active ingredient tramadol, which has a central pain-relieving function. Tramadol belongs to the large pain-inhibiting group of opioids, which are used for moderate to severe pain. However, Tramadolor® does not only consist of the pain-relieving opioid, but also has an … Tramadolor

Interactions | Tramadolor

Interactions Tramadolor® must not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to the active substance (or other components), or poisoning with psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, painkillers or alcohol. In addition, the use of antidepressant MAO inhibitors in the last 14 days is a contraindication for taking Tramadolor®. Tramadolor® should only be used under close medical … Interactions | Tramadolor

Side effects of Tramal

Definition Tramal® or Tramadol is a painkiller from the group of opioids. It is used to combat moderate to severe pain. Tramal® is only available in pharmacies and on prescription. However, Tramal® is one of the rare opioid painkillers that are not covered by the narcotics law in Germany. Active ingredient Tramal® works through different … Side effects of Tramal

Tramal® Drops

Active ingredient TramadolTramal® is a drug from the opioid group. Opioids are among the strong painkillers, with a distinction being made between low-potency and high-potency active ingredients within opioids. Low-potency agents such as Tramadol can be used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, while high-potency agents such as Fentanyl are reserved for the … Tramal® Drops

Interactions | Tramal® Drops

Interactions In patients taking blood thinners from the group of vitamin K antagonists (coumarins) such as Marcumar ® (phenprocoumon), for example, a dose adjustment in the sense of a reduction may be necessary, since therapy with Tramal ® may result in an even greater tendency to bleed, which is shown in the laboratory as a … Interactions | Tramal® Drops

Costs | Tramal® Drops

Costs Tramal® drops with a dose of 100 mg/ml (about 50 mg per 20 drops) are available in 10 ml, 20 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml packages. Here 10 ml on private prescription costs 12.21 Euro, 20 ml 13.53 Euro, 50 ml 18.04 Euro and 100 ml 26.30 Euro. When presenting a cash prescription … Costs | Tramal® Drops