Pine: Medicinal Uses

Stem plant L., Pinaceae pine Medicinal drug Stem plant of turpentine (turpentine oil, rosin). Needles Turio Pini (Pini turiones) – pine tip (shoot): the spring bud of L. (PH 5) – no longer officinal. Preparations Pini silvestris extractum Abietinarum pix Ingredients Essential oil: pine needle oil (Pini aetheroleum). Synonym: Pini silvestris aetheroleum Effects Promotes blood … Pine: Medicinal Uses


Effects Promoting blood circulation (hyperemic). Warming Analgesic Skin irritant Indications Rheumatic complaints, soft tissue rheumatism. Painful, inflammatory, degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, spine or intervertebral discs. Muscle tension, movement pain, lumbago, stiff neck, sciatica. Active ingredients Preparations with ammonia Nicotinic esters: Benzyl nicotinate Ethyl nicotinate Methyl nicotinate Heat pads Vegetable … Rubefacias

Cold Balm

Products Cold balms are available in many countries from various suppliers. Examples of products include Pulmex, Vicks VapoRub, Liberol, Resorban, Wala Plantago Bronchial Balm, Phytopharma Thyme Ointment, Angelica Balms, and Weleda Cold Ointment. Ingredients The composition depends on the product. Cold balms usually contain essential oils. Possible ingredients include, for example (selection): Angelica oil Eucalyptus … Cold Balm


Stem plants Common pine Swamp pine Maritime pine Ingredients Essential oil: turpentine oil, separation by steam distillation. Resin: rosin, residue of distillation. Effects Hyperemicizing Antiseptic Reduces bronchial secretion Indications Chronic diseases of the bronchi with heavy secretion. Rheumatic and neuralgic complaints Contraindications Allergy Current inflammation of the respiratory organs UAW Symptoms of poisoning with external, … Turpentine