What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is an infectious disease transmitted by a certain type of salmonella. It occurs mainly in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia and can cause symptoms only months after transmission. At first, typhoid fever leads to long-lasting constipation and fever. Later, typical reddening of the abdominal skin, thinning of the bowel movements and a … What is typhoid fever?

How contagious is typhoid fever? | What is typhoid fever?

How contagious is typhoid fever? Typhoid fever is an infectious disease that leads to typical symptoms when infected. Infection occurs either by direct route from person to person or indirectly, for example through contaminated drinking water. In the case of a direct route, infection occurs through the excretion of salmonella in the stool. This begins … How contagious is typhoid fever? | What is typhoid fever?

I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms | What is typhoid fever?

I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms Typical for typhoid fever is that the symptoms appear in different stages and change depending on the stage. They usually appear after 1-3 weeks. In the first stage, constipation and a slow development of fever initially occur. In addition, abdominal pain, headaches and disturbances of consciousness are common. … I recognize typhoid fever by these symptoms | What is typhoid fever?