Complications during birth

Introduction During birth, a variety of complications for mother and/or child can occur. Some of these are easily treatable, but can also be acute emergencies. They affect both the birth process up to the delivery of the child and the postnatal period. Complications for mother and child can also occur during pregnancy or shortly before … Complications during birth

Complications for the child | Complications during birth

Complications for the child Complications for the child occur mainly during the birth process. Causes may be the size, position or posture of the child or the mother’s contractions and physique. An important complication of these causes is the cessation of labour, where the birth does not progress any further despite good contractions (). In … Complications for the child | Complications during birth

Complications with the umbilical cord | Complications during birth

Complications with the umbilical cord Complications of the umbilical cord include umbilical cord entanglement, umbilical cord knots and umbilical cord prolapse. In some cases, these umbilical cord complications can be recognized before birth or become apparent during birth due to changes in the so-called CTG (cardiotocography; recording of fetal heart sounds and contractions). Umbilical cord … Complications with the umbilical cord | Complications during birth

Complications of the placenta | Complications during birth

Complications of the placenta The placenta is a direct connection between mother and child through which, among other things, oxygen and nutrients are exchanged.Complications can occur before, during and after the birth of the child due to a malposition of the placenta or problems with placental detachment. Placenta praevia describes a malposition of the placenta … Complications of the placenta | Complications during birth

Function of the umbilical cord | Umbilical Cord

Function of the umbilical cord The umbilical cord serves to supply the embryo or fetus with oxygen and nutrients. This is made possible by the umbilical vessels embedded in the tissue. These vessels are an exception. Normally, arteries transport oxygen-rich blood and veins transport oxygen-poor blood. This is exactly the opposite with the umbilical cord. … Function of the umbilical cord | Umbilical Cord

Umbilical Cord Puncture | Umbilical Cord

Umbilical Cord Puncture Umbilical cord puncture, also called “choracentesis”, is a voluntary, painless but invasive method of prenatal diagnostics, i.e. special prenatal care. The umbilical vein of the baby is punctured with a long and thin needle through the mother’s abdominal wall. The position of the puncture needle is constantly monitored by a parallel ultrasound. … Umbilical Cord Puncture | Umbilical Cord

Umbilical Cord

Definition The umbilical cord is the connection between the maternal placenta and the embryo or fetus. It represents a bridge between the two bloodstreams and therefore serves both to supply the foetus with oxygen and nutrients and to remove metabolic waste products such as carbon dioxide. In humans, the umbilical cord, which is about 50 … Umbilical Cord