Burning after urination

Introduction The burning sensation after urination, also called dysuria, can have various causes. Among the most common are the so-called uncomplicated cystitis or inflammation of the lower urinary tract. Other possible causes can be injuries, tumours and gender-specific causes. Women are far more frequently affected by infections of the urinary tract than men, as the … Burning after urination

Homeopathy for burning after urination | Burning after urination

Homeopathy for burning after urination In addition to home remedies such as drinking lots of water, warm compresses and taking cranberry or cranberry preparations, homeopathic remedies can also help to relieve the burning sensation after urination. Typical remedies for a burning sensation when urinating would be Apis, which also helps with menstrual problems and sparse … Homeopathy for burning after urination | Burning after urination

Burning after urination in children | Burning after urination

Burning after urination in children Burning after urination in children is often caused by a urinary tract infection, but burning is more likely to be the leading symptom in older children. In infants and toddlers, vomiting or unclear fever may also be the only symptom. Sometimes, new bed-wetting after the child has not wet the … Burning after urination in children | Burning after urination

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a bacterium that was developed by Frenchmen Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin. It is used in some countries as an effective live vaccine against some forms of tuberculosis, but is also considered a promising immunotherapy in the fight against bladder cancer. Especially in children, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin positively influences the course of … Bacillus Calmette-Guérin: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Pain when urinating – Signs of pregnancy?

Pain during urination and pregnancy Pain when urinating is not a typical sign of pregnancy at first. Increased pressure on the bladder due to the growing abdomen leads to a frequent urge to urinate in the early months of pregnancy, and the person concerned has to urinate frequently. Pregnant women often have to go out … Pain when urinating – Signs of pregnancy?

Signs of early pregnancy | Pain when urinating – Signs of pregnancy?

Signs of early pregnancy The nine months of pregnancy are divided into thirds, with the first three months being called early pregnancy. Already in the first few weeks, the described changes can lead to an increased urge to urinate. However, pain during urination primarily indicates a urinary tract infection and not an early pregnancy. During … Signs of early pregnancy | Pain when urinating – Signs of pregnancy?

Conducting urinary tract

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: ureter, vesica urinaria English: bladder, ureter Renal pelvis Ureter Urethra Urinary tract The draining urinary tract includes renal pelvis (pelvis renalis) and ureter (ureter), which are lined by specialized tissue called urothelium. Anatomy 1. renal pelvis It develops from the confluence of 8-12 renal calices (Calices renales), which surround … Conducting urinary tract

Tranexamic Acid: Effects, Uses & Risks

Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic agent and inhibits the dissolution of blood clots. The substance is used to stop and prophylaxis bleeding caused by hyperfibrinolysis. What is tranexamic acid? The substance tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic agent. It inhibits the fibrinolytic system and thus ultimately inhibits clot dissolution (fibrinolysis). Tranexamic acid is produced exclusively synthetically … Tranexamic Acid: Effects, Uses & Risks


Synonyms Latin: Urethra Anatomy The position and course of the urethra differ considerably between men and women. Both have in common that it is a connecting piece between the bladder (vesica urinaria) and the external urinary opening at the genitals. It is covered by a special mucous membrane of the urinary tract, which also lines … Urethra

Pelvic pain

Introduction The human pelvis consists of the two hip bones (again, each consisting of the ilium, pubic bone and ischium) and the sacrum between them. The sacrum is connected to the two hip bones via the sacroiliac joint (ISG). In addition, the head of the femur in its acetabulum is attached to the hip bone. … Pelvic pain