Oral Thrush (Gingivostomatitis Herpetica): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of gingivostomatitis herpetica (“oral thrush“).

Family history

  • What is the general health status of your relatives?

Social history

  • Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or strain due to your family situation?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Have you noticed any vesicles on the lips, corners of the mouth, or in the oral cavity?
  • Are your gums red, swollen or bloody?
  • Have you noticed any other symptoms such as bad breath, increased salivation, fever or lymph node enlargement?
  • Do you suffer from dysphagia or have any discomfort with food intake?
  • Have you had an infection recently?

Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.

  • Have you been able to determine a connection with your menstrual cycle?
  • Do you have close physical/sexual contact with affected individuals?

Self history incl. medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (infections)
  • Operations
  • Allergies